WTF – Baby hair?! No one knows anything about baby hair and why there is a new tool to style it by got2b.
Therefore we created the #babyhairdiary – some online videos for YouTube – which explain the need of the tool in a funny, entertaining way.
Each story is part of the diary to explain and show the different use cases as well as the different target groups.
WTF – Baby hair?! No one knows anything about baby hair and why there is a new tool to style it by got2b.
Therefore we created the #babyhairdiary – some online videos for YouTube – which explain the need of the tool in a funny, entertaining way.
Each story is part of the diary to explain and show the different use cases as well as the different target groups.
Story No. 1 "It ain’t me"
Story No. 2 "Where is the pacifier?"
Story No. 3 "Miss Bang Bang"
Key Visuals Layouts

Story Nr. 3: Miss Bang Bang